Our company was founded in 1912 and we have been fortunate to have had access to a steady supply of white oak throughout our history. For decades, ISC has invested in the sustainability of our most valuable resource – white oak. While we are confident there is an ample supply for the next 110 years, we also believe that we have a responsibility to support the long-term sustainability of white oak to protect the heritage of our company and our distillery partners.
Bacon, Bourbon, and Pecan Brownies
Nothing says comfort food like a warm, gooey brownie. Add in bacon, bourbon, and pecans and you’ve elevated the traditional brownie into a decadent dessert.
Smoked Barrels
Two years ago, we began developing a new type of barrel to join our Small Batch Series called the Smoked Barrel. Using a proprietary cold smoking process, the barrel is infused with smoke from different wood species.
How to Add More Bourbon to the Thanksgiving Menu
If you’ve ever wondered how to add more bourbon into your Thanksgiving dishes, you’re in good company. We scoured the internet for some bourbon-filled side dishes and today we’re sharing two of our favorites that will complement your Thanksgiving turkey and fixings.
Finishing Tasting Kit
Here is the the fourth video in our Tasting Kit Series. This video features Chad Spalding and Andrew Wiehebrink discussing our wide variety of Finishing samples.
Char Level and Double Barreling
As coopers, we are often asked about the different char levels. Mainly, “Why are the higher char levels – Char #3 and Char #4 – the industry standard?” Much like the genesis of the charred barrel itself, there isn’t one definitive answer.
Char Level Tasting Kit
Today we bring you the third video in our Tasting Kit Series. This video features Chad Spalding and Andrew Wiehebrink discussing our Char Level samples.
American Single Malt Tasting Kit
Today we bring you the second video in our Tasting Kit Series. This video features Chad Spalding and Andrew Wiehebrink discussing our American Single Malt samples.
Australian Whisky – A Growing Industry
Australia has been producing whisky since the 1820’s, but the growth of craft distilleries didn’t begin until recently. Prior to 1990, the Distillation Act of 1901 prevented licenses from being issued to distillers with stills smaller than 2,700 litres – a huge barrier to entry for craft operations.
Bourbon BBQ Sauce
The secret is in the sauce. Well, at least it is for The Smokin’ Barrel Boys BBQ team, made up of four Independent Stave Company engineers out of Lebanon, Missouri. In 2017, Mike Nagy, Kevin Millsap, Toby Hoy, and Darrick Uder formed the team (based on their shared fondness for good BBQ) and entered Jim Beam’s “Great Distillery BBQ Cook-Off” in Clermont, KY.
An Experiment in Barrel Size
Guest Post by Nathen Gabriel, Balcones Distilling. In 2009, Balcones Distilling released the first Texas whisky since Prohibition. With no template or rubric for how to make whisky in Texas, experimentation has always been integral to who we are as a distillery.
Guest Post: Industry Trends – Tour Experiences
We are excited to bring you a guest post on current industry trends from Bardstown Bourbon. Stay tuned – we hope to have more guest posts from our ISC Barrels customers in the future. Spirit Industry Trends – Tour ExperiencesGuest Post by Dan Callaway | Vice President, Hospitality & Product Development, …
Tours Now Open at Kentucky Cooperage
When Pat Daugherty was hired as our new Kentucky Cooperage Tour Guide in early 2020, the last thing he expected was a global pandemic to effectively end Kentucky Cooperage tours for a year.
Small Batch Tasting Kit
Small Batch Tasting Kitswith Chad Spalding and Andrew WeihebrinkToday we are bringing you a brand new series featuring our ISC Barrels Tasting Kits. Launched a few months ago, our tasting kits come with a variety of experiment samples for current and future customers to taste, blend and learn all about …
French Made Barrels
ISC Barrels is well known for our traditional spirit barrel, but we offer a multi-dimensional portfolio of products with the assistance of our global cooperage family. Today, we want to give you an inside look at a new, unique line of spirit barrels we can offer through one of our sister cooperages – Tonnellerie Quintessence.
Master Craftsman Program
At our Kentucky and Missouri cooperages, most production employees specialize in one aspect of the barrel making process such as jointing, raising, finishing, etc. Specializing allows employees to hone their craft and consistently produce quality results. After an employee gains proficiency in their position, they can also benefit from learning the entire barrel production process.
Missouri Woodland Steward Program
Supporting Missouri Woodland Owner EducationMissouri Woodland Steward is a natural resource education program through the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) that helps Missouri woodland owners become competent and connected. Through field days and workshops, landowners and land managers learn to rehabilitate neglected woods, identify, …
Chocolate Caramel Bourbon Macarons
A light French cookie with a rich, decadent filling, this Chocolate Caramel Bourbon Macaron recipe is worth the effort. Macarons are notoriously finnicky so give yourself some grace if this is your first attempt making them.
Spirits Selection Belgium
2020 Spirits Selection – An International Spirits CompetitionAt our blog, most content is focused on barrels to age bourbon and whiskey. However, we are an international cooperage company with barrels ageing a variety of spirits in cellars around the world. When our team at Tonnellerie Du Monde participated in « …
Supporting Safety through the Volunteer Firefighter Initiative
Our Volunteer Firefighter Initiative was launched in September with the mission to support fire departments who rely on volunteer firefighters within the communities where Independent Stave Company cooperage facilities, mills and sales offices are located.