Barrels for the World's Finest Spirits

We partner with world-class distillers to create innovative barrel solutions for their unique spirits.


Experience You Can See

We Believe In Craftsmanship

From forest to barrel, we focus on quality and transparency to ensure our customers receive only the best barrels for their spirits.

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Innovation Comes Standard

Partnering with distillers, our global R&D team continuously develops innovative cooperage products.

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Dedicated to our customers' success for over a century.

Founded in 1912 by The Boswell Family, ISC embraces the core values of family, innovation, community, and hard work.
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Find a Barrel to Fit Your Spirit

Discover which unique barrel series is right for your spirit.


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Soluções para o universo da cachaça! 🥃

No post anterior falamos sobre a Garrafa Supreme, agora é hora de mergulhar no universo do envelhecimento de cachaça!

As barricas de carvalho da iscbarrels são o segredo para elevar sua cachaça a outro nível. 
Além de trazer aquele toque especial de sabor e aroma, o carvalho ajuda a envelhecer a bebida com elegância e personalidade.

Quer conquistar paladares exigentes e criar experiências únicas? Então a escolha certa está aqui!

📳 Entre em contato através do WhatsApp: 11 91858-4010

#barricas #barricasdecarvalho #cachaça #mercadopremium #destilados #embalagens #soluçãocompleta #mercadodebebidas #premierpack #iscbarrels #universodasbebidas #carvalhoamericano #carvalhofrances #carvalhoetradicao #envelhecimentodebebidas
We were honored to support the Kentucky Distillers’ Association State Dinner, bringing together KDA members, Industry Champions, Kentucky Bourbon Trail hospitality partners and more. 

And the dessert was pretty stellar too! 🤩
On #VeteransDay and every day, we extend gratitude to our veterans, active military members + their families for their service and sacrifice.
#thankaveteran #honorandremember