Teaching Age-ucation at Moonshine University
Written by: Andrew WiehebrinkEarlier this summer, we successfully completed our inaugural maturation class at Moonshine University. The new class, entitled “Age-ucation” was a joint effort by ISC and our good friends at Moonshine University.
Our goal was to deliver a top notch class that covered maturation in a broad sense - everything from mash bill selections and how that affects the aging process, all the way up to different types of warehouse construction.

From the very first talks about putting this course together, we knew we wanted to put an emphasis on flavor development. And we didn’t want to just talk about it, we wanted to show it!In that spirit (pun intended), we decided to make some whiskey and put it into barrels made specifically for this course. The whiskey was made at Moonshine University’s very own Grease Monkey Distillery. Big shout out to Head Distiller Tyler Gomez for making some really good juice to fill these barrels.

We will be doing two of these classes per year and pulling new samples each time. As the barrels progress, we will begin showing the chronological development that is occurring within each barrel. Our first class was a huge success and we look having another great round this fall.